How to feel less awkward in photos with natural poses
“I am so awkward in photos!” “What do I do with my hands?!” or “Ah! I don’t know what to do?!!” I’ve heard these things almost every single shoot. I get it! I’m the same way. I absolutely love taking the photos and completely clam up on the other side of the lens.
But just because you feel like you’re weird and unnatural in front of the camera, doesn’t mean that you have to be!
Here are my thoughts on how to master the “posed candid” photo by adding movement and interaction with your environment.
First things first: Relax, it’s just you and me.
I say this to my subjects all of the time. It’s just you and me.
Take a deep breath and wiggle your shoulders out.
No one else is watching. This is a camera, not a video.
View your session like you and I are sitting down to coffee and I’m getting to know you. I’m not that scary (see my photo?!) It’s like we are on a date and you want me to walk away knowing more about the way you talk, laugh, listen, contemplate, and just are!
Do something with your hands
Oh hands. They are one of the most useful parts of our body and then automatically feel like foreign objects in photos. Am I right?
But, I personally feel like hands are just as important as your face when it comes to showing personality in photos. So I say use them in any way you would on a normal day.
There are a variety of ways to use your hands, so don’t be afraid of them! We will figure out what looks the most natural for you and build from there.
Here are some ideas I have…
Here are some ideas on what to do with your hands:
Touch your hair, move it to the side, or place it behind your ear
Lean your chin or the side of your face against your fingers
For guys especially: Roll your sleeves up, button your jacket, adjust your lapel
Gently move your arms back and forth like you’re walking, dancing, or swinging your bag
Hold a prop and interact with an object
Touch the person next to you in the photo
When sitting, hold your legs or knee or lean on the palm of your hand
Be dramatic with your movements! Because a photo is a static, still image the last thing I want is for you to look like a frozen statue. I believe, the bigger the movements, the more personality you can bring to your photo.
Touch your hands together in different positions, cross your arms or just one arm
Even something as simple as putting your hands in your pocket
Click here for a FULL POST on what to do with your hands during a photo session
Sit or Lay Down
Sitting down is a great way to engage with something else and not feel like you’re just standing there.
When you sit on a stool/chair/on the ground you are automatically assigning your body to a task. This can be as simple as propping your feet up on the rung of the stool and letting your arms or legs fall into that casual position you’re used to sitting in when you’re not in front of the camera.
When I sit on the ground, I find myself naturally leaning my head and shoulders in the direction of my legs. For example, when I prop my leg up next to me, I typically place my elbow on my knee and either lean my head into my hand or drop my arm in a casual motion. To me, sitting does the trick every time.
Modern & Timeless
Authentic & Empowering
Modern & Timeless , Authentic & Empowering //
When I was photographing weddings, I would tell the bridesmaids to laugh and smile like they were shooting a Covergirl ad for lipstick.
I still use that tactic! But now I pretend like your best friend/partner/kids/anyone that would make you smirk is sitting next to me and it’s your job to interact with them.
I can promise you will feel absolutely ridiculous doing this at first and then you’ll fall into your natural in between moments and your personality will show. Those are the seconds of life that I capture and I think are the perfect display of your personality.
Act a little weird or silly and let me catch the “in between moments”
Go ahead, act a fool! Remember point number one? Relax, it’s just you and me.
When I was being photographed, my default mode was to always just stick my tongue out or squeeze my lips together in a fish face. How old am I?
Well, the aftermath of this was my natural self. The way I acted after trying to make someone laugh or realizing how weird I actually looked would then make me laugh at myself.
Most of my candid and natural shots are taken in between the “posed” ones. It might feel a little weird at the time but these ‘posed candid’ photos do actually capture real life emotions, even if they are between takes. That’s when I feel like the natural and authentic personality shines through.
Those photos are of me in my truest sense and isn’t that the whole point of taking photos anyway?
Move in any way that you can - walk towards the camera or across the backdrop, swing your arms back and forth, shake your hair, do the motion of buttoning your jacket or putting your hands in your pockets.
Your movements will bring out who you are. They make you look like a person instead of a static robot.
These personality type of photos may happen during those “in between moments” like I mentioned in the tip above or as you move. Either way, shake it out and just move!
And finally, but probably most important: Don’t try to be someone you’re not
I feel like I could write an entire blog post on this one, but I will do you all a favor and keep this simple.
If you look at anything on Instagram, Facebook, TV, magazines, ANYTHING then you are keenly aware of the types of models/styles/lifestyles you are drawn to and want to be like or have. These dreams or ideas can give direction and inspiration for our shoot together, but at the end of the day I’m not interested in photographing someone else. I want to photograph YOU and who YOU are.
My job is to bring your story and personality into a photograph, not someone else’s.
Sure, point your toes and stretch your legs out like your favorite influencer but then let’s work together to disconnect from the outside world, find the poses and spaces that feel the most casual and comfortable to you, and let your unique personality be the star of the show.