My tips on elevating your Linkedin headshot
Your photo is the first thing people see
Hire a photographer. Let’s be honest, I think this goes without saying. Gone are the days of selfies and cropping yourself out of a group photo to make a “headshot” (we can all tell that you have your arm around someone else in the photo!) If you’re looking for a professional looking Linkedin, then round out your well thought out profile with a really good photo of yourself.
Because headshots are not videos showing who you are through the sound of your voice, movement of your body, or mannerisms of your personhood; it is essential to show as much about yourself in this one photo. Basically, if you had to describe yourself in one sentence what would that look like in a photo. No pressure, right? Read on to my next thoughts on some pointers…
Choose a backdrop that sets you apart
It is my opinion that it is important to walk away from your headshot session with two types of photos:
1. The safe one on a grey or white backdrop that can be easily used across all platforms
2. A backdrop color that sets you apart and automatically catches the eye of an employer or client in a sea of grey and white backgrounds.
You can see all of my backdrop options here.
Look engaged and show some personality
To me, who you are and what you have to offer is the whole point of Linkedin. Right? From what I see on LinkedIn, it seems necessary to make your personal brand clear.
Your LinkedIn profile photo needs to express your individuality, but in a way that is still professional and in line with others in your industry. The idea is to stand out, but making sure that you can also fit in with the current team.
It isn’t enough to just have a blank stare, but rather an image that looks like you’re sharing in conversation with someone or a photo that gives the viewer an idea of what it would be like to sit across the table from you. This can be achieved through different smiles, laughs, and body movement.
A huge goal of mine during your headshot session is to bring YOU into the photo and help you look engaged in your images. When you walk into my studio, the plan is for you to leave having multiple poses that show off different angles of your personality.
Which leads me to my next point…
Replace stiff with relaxed
It feels easy to just take the same headshot that everyone else is taking, but that doesn’t feel like the best way to have your Linkedin profile standout from the others. So let’s find something to do with your hands and angles of your posing that not only helps show off your personality, but also helps you get noticed!
I have a whole blog post on ideas for posing and what to do with your hands here.
Show your actual self - no heavy filters
When I edit your headshots, I use minimal skin retouching and skin smoothing techniques in good taste. I know from experience that a blemish is going to show up in full force five minutes before your photo session. Yes, I will take that out of your photos. I also know that I don’t love all of the wrinkles around my eyes. Yes, I will minimally smooth those over as well. But let’s be real here on over-editing photos.
I don’t know about you, but I can automatically tell when a heavy skin smoothing filter is being used on a photograph. This happens the most on social media platforms with iphone photos and selfies and can be so obnoxious (personal opinion, of course!) These people don’t even look like themselves! I think this is the first sign of unprofessionalism and an inauthentic subject. And aren’t we using Linkedin to show our authenticity?
As an employer, I would feel like such a fool if the person that I hired looked completely opposite in person than what their headshot showed. So, I don’t plan on doing this to your photos.
Wondering what to wear?
Click here to read all of my ideas on outfits for your headshot session.